
The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
17.95₺ Annuel
33.00₺ Bi-annuel
47.00₺ Triannuel
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.

RapidSSL Wildcard

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
149.00₺ Annuel
275.00₺ Bi-annuel
394.00₺ Triannuel
RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificates help you secure multiple subdomains with one low-cost SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com. Protect your customers' personal data with up to 256-bit encryption. Automated domain control validation makes site authentication a breeze. At RapidSSL, we believe in providing the SSL protection you need at a competitive price.

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
79.00₺ Annuel
146.00₺ Bi-annuel
209.00₺ Triannuel
Secure your website fast. GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium certificates are one of the quickest ways for you to start protecting online transactions and applications with SSL. With an automatic authentication and issuance process, it takes just minutes to get your QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate. After that, managing and renewing your certificates is a snap. With GeoTrust, you get inexpensive SSL without sacrificing convenience, choice, or reliability.

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
279.00₺ Annuel
488.25₺ Bi-annuel
535.00₺ Triannuel
Secure your domain and all same level subdomains fast. GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard certificates are one of the quickest ways to start protecting all your subdomains on a single certificate. Our automated email authentication process means you get your certificate in minutes. With QuickSSL Premium wildcard certificates, you get unlimited subdomains and on an unlimited number of servers - one certificate that will adapt as your business grows.

GeoTrust True BusinessID

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
169.00₺ Annuel
321.00₺ Bi-annuel
473.00₺ Triannuel
Business-class SSL—only better. When it comes to selecting SSL security for your business, you have a lot of choices. With GeoTrust, the decision is easy. GeoTrust® True BusinessID SSL certificates let your customers know that your site is trustworthy and that you take their security seriously enough to get your certificate from a globally trusted certificate authority.

GeoTrust True Business ID with EV

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
289.00₺ Annuel
549.00₺ Bi-annuel
809.00₺ Triannuel
Make a strong security statement with the green address bar. GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV (Extended Validation) is our premium business-class SSL security product, visually confirming the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates. The green bar says it all. Web site visitors really notice when the address bar turns green in their high-security browsers and the organization field starts to rotate between your business name and GeoTrust.

GeoTrust True Business ID Wildcard

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
449.00₺ Annuel
853.00₺ Bi-annuel
1,257.00₺ Triannuel
Simplify certificate management with the convenience of a Wildcard certificate. GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard certificates allow you to secure multiple subdomains on a single certificate, reducing management time and cost. Whether it's your company's home page or your mail server's hostname, protecting sensitive information is your goal — and it's our goal too.

DigiCert Secure Site

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
448.00₺ Annuel
851.00₺ Bi-annuel
1,254.00₺ Triannuel
Protect your website or email traffic with industrial-strength 2048-bit encryption with a Secure Site SSL Certificate.

DigiCert Secure Site Pro

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
1,118.00₺ Annuel
2,124.00₺ Bi-annuel
3,130.00₺ Triannuel
With Secure Site Pro SSL offer high-assurance certificate with added features for comprehensive website security.

DigiCert Secure Site EV

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
1,118.00₺ Annuel
2,124.00₺ Bi-annuel
3,130.00₺ Triannuel
Secure Site Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates protect your most valuable assets–your customers and your brand–from phishing scams and online fraud.

DigiCert Secure Site Pro EV

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

-1.00₺ Mensuel
-1.00₺ Trimestriel
-1.00₺ Semi-annuel
1,499.00₺ Annuel
2,552.00₺ Bi-annuel
3,693.00₺ Triannuel
Secure Site Pro EV SSL is the highest authentication with extra features for comprehensive website security and robust protection against identity-targeted attacks.
ssl certificate

Quel effet SSL sur votre site?

Un certificat SSL crée un tunnel sécurisé par lequel les informations, notamment les noms dutilisateur, les mots de passe et les numéros de carte de crédit, sont transmises en toute sécurité.

  • La petite serrure verte
  • La petite serrure verte
  • Obtenir un certificat SSL de confiance
  • Obtenir un certificat SSL de confiance
  • Protège les serveurs illimités
  • Protège les serveurs illimités
  • Compatible avec tous les principaux
  • Compatible avec tous les principaux

Certification SSL en quatre étapes faciles

Après avoir acheté un certificat SSL, il doit être activé.

1 ssl icon

Commencez par acheter le bon certificat SSL pour vos besoins. Choisissez parmi les trois types énumérés.

2 point click

Vous pourrez activer votre certificat SSL à partir du panneau de compte immédiatement.

3 code icon

Vous recevrez des instructions sur la manière de valider votre certificat SSL.

4 ssl icon

Vous pouvez gérer les certificats SSL (y compris le renouvellement et la réémission) dans Panel.

Comment les modifications récentes de Google vous affectent

Les dernières mises à jour de Google Chrome affichent désormais aux visiteurs un message "Non sécurisé" dans lURL si votre site Web n'est pas en https (c.-à-d. Sans certificat SSL). S il n est pas sécurisé, les visiteurs sabstiendront probablement de saisir des informations, de faire des achats ou même de s'inscrire sur votre liste de diffusion.Google classera également les sites Web sans certificat SSL plus bas sur la page de résultats de recherche (SERP), ce qui affectera vos efforts de référencement, votre trafic et vos revenus simultanément.

ssl certificate

Questions les plus fréquentes

Cliquez sur ce lien pour afficher le texte d'accusation, haute vie, accusamus terry richardson et calmar.
Oui, tous les sites Web créés avec le constructeur de sites Weebly sont optimisés pour les mobiles.
Oui, tous les sites Web créés avec le constructeur de sites Weebly sont optimisés pour les mobiles.
Oui, tous les sites Web créés avec le constructeur de sites Weebly sont optimisés pour les mobiles.
Oui, tous les sites Web créés avec le constructeur de sites Weebly sont optimisés pour les mobiles.

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